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In That Sweet Day

5 Feb
In that sweet day,
When the wind blew
Through the willows
And the birds did sing,
Forever does the memory stay
Of that unfortunate sting.

Mine love was a child,
And so was I,
Laughing and running
through the field
of flowers we smiled
at the wonderous scents they did yield.

Cruel fate did step between us 
in the form of a bee.
My love was stung,
And a tear came to her eye.
Without breath to fuss,
Slowly she did die.

In that sweet day,
My first love
Was lost to me
Under bright sunshine.
Yet her spirit with me does stay,
Forever in love, I am hers and she is mine.

Cry Freedom

5 Feb

Rage! Rage at the injustice done,
To our people at home, in Iraq and Afghanistan.
Rage at the ignorance and fear;
A chaplain recalled and denied transfer.
Rage! Rage at intolerance:
Our symbol denied issuance
on the gravestones of those
whom gave their lives for freedom.
Rage! Rage at religious bigotry:
Freedom of religion means freedom
for all religions,
in our constitution it is writ.
And when the rage is spent,
negativity is grounded,
and a calmer head you have,
cry. Cry for those whom deny you your chosen path.
Cry! Cry to the Mother for strength.
Cry for the ignorant and intolerant.
Then, march. Lift your head high!
And march! Physically or mentally to
the capital, do march. With candles lit,
let the light of knowledge shine. Drive
back the darkness of ignorance. March!
March with your brothers and sisters of all religions.
March with candles held high,
and cry, “Freedom!”